Leaving no stone unturned, award-winning film producer and human rights activist Jason Jones incisively lays out a full-scale campaign against this “Great Reset” to help equip you with the armor to protect and defend yourself, your loved ones, and all those vulnerable to the antihuman designs of global elites who have demonstrated a propensity for trampling basic human rights to achieve their one-world vision.
In this prescient work, you will find examples of people — past and present — who heroically model ways to overcome the mightiest walls of resistance. You will learn:
The five “ideologies of evil” that constitute a genuine pandemic (You will be shocked!)
Three forgotten aspects of piety that need restoration
How victimization has made victims of us all
The secret to living the gospel and avoiding cooperating with evil
Practical ways to strengthen families and communities through subsidiarity
Why the right to private property is essential to preserving human dignity
Will you surrender yourself, your nation, your parents, and your posterity as sacrifices to the Great Reset? Are you willing to accept the bland, lukewarm rations and shallow pleasures of the dystopia in exchange for everything that gives human life its purpose and Meaning?
If not—now you know your escape route.